I would not sign the permission slip for hippogriff riding lessons. Are you insane?” There’s something inherently hilarious about the idea of what a magical school would be like on a practical ...
There's studying history from a book, and then there's walking where that history took place. That's what St. Philip's School 8th graders did in Ghana.
But she would never make it to the gathering, according to her attorney. Instead, the 30-year-old was arrested and physically ...
The Special Commissioner of Investigation for city schools fielded an all-time record 11,874 complaints of alleged wrongdoing by educators and other school workers and vendors in 2024, but ...
Unanswered questions remain about a young Texas girl’s death by suicide earlier this month after her school district released ...
State law and the proposed ordinance require flashing yellow lights to indicate a school zone is active and signs warning of ...
A group of Elizabethtown Area High School parents have raised nearly $9,000 and are sending nine girls on a yearbook and ...
A team from Midd-West School District has been selected as the PennDOT Innovations Challenge winner in the ...
I disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.” — Voltaire (1694-1778) When Thomas Jefferson ...
The ruling was 5-2 along party lines, with all the Republicans in the majority and all the Democrats dissenting. Chief ...
School district officials learned on Feb ... the district has a signed permission slip authorizing her involvement,” the report states. Jocelynn’s family has established a GoFundMe to help ...