On March 27, 2022, at the request of President Nayib Bukele, the Legislative Assembly passed a state of exception, limiting ...
As we learn of hundreds of young men hauled off in shackles — with zero due process — to a brutal El Salvadorian prison, it is clear that cruelty is not a byproduct, but rather the point for this ...
Andry Hernandez, a Venezuelan asylum seeker, was sent to an El Salvadorian mega prison despite having no gang affiliation, ...
The flux of migrants at the Southern Mexican border with Guatemala dipped after Trump announced plans to restrict refugees ...
Families and lawyers fear for the deportees who may face indefinite detention in a prison known for human rights abuses.
I, Juanita Goebertus, declare the following under 28 U.S.C. § 1746, and state that ...
Bukele, who has long been an advocate of using tourism to boost the economy, saw surfing as a way to improve El Salvador’s image abroad. With a reputation historically shaped by high crime rates and ...
The rosary hung from a branch of mesquite, its light blue beads swaying in the breeze. The site was a few miles from the U.S.-Mexico border. It wasn’t far from paved roads, a truck stop, the city of ...
Santa Ana Volcano is the highest volcano in the El Salvador and a tourist favorite. The hike starts in Cerro Verde National Park and costs $6.00 for entry for foreigners and $3.00 for the guide. It's ...
Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Rival gang leaders in El Salvador shake hands In the ...
SAN SALVADOR, March 5 (Reuters) - El Salvador announced on Wednesday the purchase of a bitcoin, which takes the total in the country's strategic reserve to above 6,102 coins, the National Bitcoin ...
In 2021, El Salvador caught the world's attention by becoming the first country to make cryptocurrency legal tender, alongside the US dollar. Last December, as the price of bitcoin broke $100,000 ...