To this day Frenchmans remains as one of the more challenging four-wheel drive tracks in Far North Queensland, only a stone’s ...
I’m standing waist-deep in a chocolate-hued, jungle-fringed tributary of the Congo River, watching my guide wade further downstream, with his hands cupped to his ears to amplify the sounds of the ...
This mammal burrows through African soil under the cover of darkness with its long, sticky tongue to hunt for termites and ants ... Deep in the Amazon rainforest, hoatzin chicks hatch with ...
Castilla y León, Spain. "A wooden beam damaged by termites, undergoing treatment with termite fungicide. The treatment involves applying the fungicidal liquid and covering the beam with plastic to ...
The bright colors of these rainforest animals warn potential predators of their toxicity. The toxins don’t arise in the frog naturally but come from the ants and termites that they eat. Poison dart ...
The termite on the ground is searching for food to feed the larvae in the cavity. Group of termites is building a nest in tropical rainforest. Group of termites is building a nest Group of termites is ...
However, by protecting the forests where gorillas live, we are also helping secure the rainforest home of hundreds of other ... and how pangolins dig for termites, turning over essential soil ...
The tropical rainforest is the environment with the widest range of ... They all choose the same warm, wooded habitats, where ants and termites are their primary food sources. Nevertheless, despite ...
Giant pangolins habitat preference is primary and secondary rainforest, swamp forests ... dense thickets or partially opened termite mounds. Some giant pangolin burrows have been found to have ...
Their keen sense of smell helps them detect ants and termites, their primary food source ... helps it blend into the dense rainforest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The okapi’s solitary and ...