BMKG:Waspada Peningkatan Kecepatan Angin di Laut Timor picu Gelombang Tinggi 4 Meter di Perairan NTT. POS-KUPANG.COM - Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika ( BMKG) mengingatkan potensi ...
POS KUPANG.COM-- Pulau Alor, Kabupaten Alor merupakan surga bagi para penyelam . Di wilayah terdapat begitu banyak spot menyelam yang luar biasa indah . Sebagai wisata selam kelas dunia, Kabupaten ...
Beberapa bahasa di dunia sedang menghadapi kepunahan dengan cepat. Dokumentasi Bahasa membantu kita menjaga dan ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Timor-Leste is on track to become a full member of Asean by the regional bloc's second summit in October or November this year, according to Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan.
Locals credit community spirit Growing up in South Florida, Peta Sherwood was intrigued by the ever-changing weather, including sea breeze storms and the development of tropical systems.
ALOR SETAR: A police sergeant pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court here on Monday (Feb 24) to four counts of corruption. Sjn Khairul Azhar Azmi, 36, of the Pendang district police headquarters ...
Gift 5 articles to anyone you choose each month when you subscribe. Australian explorers are being favoured over Chinese rivals to develop Timor-Leste’s fledgling mining sector despite the ...
Our author has tried both, for he once ran a pearling fleet from Torres Straits to Timor-Laut, but sold out in favour of developing the opal, which seems to him to be alive and almost as precious ...
To make a direct call to East Timor From Malaysia, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling East Timor mobile or land line from Malaysia.
(VOVWORLD) - Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), baru saja mengumumkan bahwa Vietnam telah menyelesaikan semua proses arsipan peta laut dan daftar koordinat geografi yang ...