The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) and the Ministry of Forestry discussed early prevention for ...
The Australian Government is providing development funding for technical assistance and capacity building support which will further strengthen Papua ...
Indonesia is expected to witness a normal dry season in 2025, following a similar pattern to last year, the country's weather ...
In recent years, the perfume industry has witnessed a surge of diverse innovations. Renowned brands have been competing to present unique and exotic fragrances to delight consumers. This trend has pus ...
The dry season will start in most areas in April and is expected to reach its peak in June up until August, the agency's ...
Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs Budi Gunawan formed a Coordinating Desk for Forest and Land Fires as ...
Governments in major palm oil exporters Malaysia and Indonesia have been aiming to regulate the industry. Two recent ...
A study entitled 'The Submergence of Wetlands' by Pantau Gambut presents the threat of flooding in peatlands area in ...
From the bumblebee bat to the Baluchistan pygmy jerboa, here are eight of the world's smallest mammals who thrive in a world ...
The tropics are celebrated as hotspots of biological diversity and renowned as supply houses for food, fiber and pharmacies.
The Vatican has appointed an Augustinian priest, known as a human rights activist, as bishop of a diocese in Indonesia ’s ...