The report said other factors could also have driven global temperature rises last year, including changes in the solar cycle ...
Discover how Mauna Loa supervolcano could impact Hawaii and beyond. Learn about past eruptions, new prediction methods, and global consequences.
The year 2024 is projected to be the warmest on record with a global temperature rise of 1.55 degrees Celsius above ...
New WMO report shows 1.5°C global temperature rise still possible, urging urgent action to combat climate change.
Rising sea levels, ocean heat and the highest atmospheric carbon levels in 800 000 years point to a climate crisis that's ...
Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels reached 420 parts per million in 2023, the highest in the last 8,00,000 years, according to ...
The report said long-term global warming is currently estimated to be between 1.34 and 1.41 degrees Celsius compared to the ...
Although warming around the world spiked last year, the United Nations’ lead climate agency says there is still time to act.
The World Meteorological Organization's report said long-term global warming is currently estimated to be between 1.34 and ...