Ocean acidification in tropical and subtropical oligotrophic waters reduces primary production by about 10%, impacting the global carbon cycle. Eukaryotic phytoplankton decline under high CO 2 ...
The impact of hurricanes when they travel over land, or when they affect ships or oil-drilling platforms, are quite well ...
Hurricanes move massive amounts of sediment from shallow reefs to deep oceans, affecting ecosystems long-term.
The sediments deposited into the traps in the deep ocean aid in the formation of shallow water reefs, which in turn help in carbon capturing and storage. The study also highlights the role of shallow ...
According to Nature Communications (2019), seaweed absorbs carbon dioxide, helping mitigate climate change by storing carbon ...
The effects of human-driven climate change surged to alarming levels in 2024, with some consequences likely to be ...
Rising sea levels, ocean heat and the highest atmospheric carbon levels in 800 000 years point to a climate crisis that's ...
Preliminary estimates put the current long-term average increase at between 1.34-1.41C, closing in on but not yet exceeding ...