My mom likes ... dynamic in our relationship. Though I'm the older sister by only seven minutes, I've truly embraced my role. I'm so used to helping and supporting my twin in any way I can ...
If you think that all Southerners are unified on the best way to cook ... how a few of our readers feel about baking bacon in the oven: “I cover a cookie sheet with foil, lay my bacon on it ...
I have a special message, a humble request, really, for our Canadian brothers and sisters ... defeating an enemy that is said to go all the way back to ancient Babylonians? Well, in this case ...
(Knopf via AP) But we Americans are an impatient people; we like to smash our way to victory and go home ... March 16, the My Lai massacre in Vietnam Today in History: March 15, Julius Caesar ...
"I can remember my tutors scratching their heads a bit," she tells Double J's Karen Leng, speaking mid-way through her Australian ... "We're losing our local dialect, like most places — I ...
It’s so easy to get caught up with the everyday tasks life throws our way and to forget to stop ... cosy - what more could you want? I think my mum would love using the items and what ...
“Would I have liked more success in my earlier career ... Even when things aren’t going our way, there are people who would trade places with us in a heartbeat.” He treasures life beyond ...
From what I was told *** million times, you know, from my father, you know ... “The first game we played here didn’t turn out our way, so we’re just trying to come back here and make ...
"I won my freshman year, but playing with my sister ... “Knowing that, we kind of just had to work our way through those problems and that made us come together as a team.” ...
It's the way he thinks. It's the idea he has about me as a player, as a captain. I have to respect that. "I do things in my own way to try ... It is not falling our way at the moment, that is ...
“My inexperience in television writing might ... In the book, she very much wanted to be a history professor, and that was our way of showing the promise she once had. In our series, she went ...
“My first instinct when it was suggested was ... back of a car when he started riffing on an idea: “We were on our way somewhere, and Stephen just basically told me all the episodes ...