“Careless People” recounts uncomfortable encounters between Joel Kaplan, now Meta’s vice president of global public policy, ...
In a move that underscores Meta’s growing crackdown on internal leaks, a former employee has claimed he was fired for sharing a company update with his wife—despite the information already being ...
Meta hasn’t responded directly to Berton’s claims, but the company has said in the past that leaking internal information, no ...
A laptop is often essential -- not just for work, but as a sort of digital home base.
‘Witch hunt’: The techie claims several employees laid off in similar manner over the years.
Meta's internal crackdown on information sharing has led to the unjustified removal of multiple employees, he added.
Meta’s newly promoted head of global affairs has masterminded the social media giant’s pivot towards Donald Trump.
Alex Himel and Mark Rabkin said the future of mobile devices could be users doing everything from within a pair of augmented ...
Riley Berton, a former Staff Software Engineer at Meta, claims he was fired for sharing a publicly available company update ...
Good performance management requires the time and attention of managers, but cost-conscious companies are increasingly ...
Tech companies are revamping computing — from how tiny chips are built to the way they are arranged, cooled and powered — in the race to build artificial intelligence that recreates the human brain.