BEIJING - Seven hundred years after his death, legendary Italian traveler Marco Polo remains an inspiration for those passionate about the cultures of China and Italy, and a symbol of the ties ...
In the 13th century, the Venetian merchant Marco Polo followed the Silk Road on his ... noodles to Italy after encountering the food in China. In fact, Italians were probably already quite ...
As for Zhang, Polo provides a reminder during times of heightened tensions between much of the West and China that non-antagonistic cultural relations are possible: "Marco Polo offers an ...
Most people know the story of Venetian explorer Marco Polo bringing noodles back home from China. It’s a fun story, but it’s also inaccurate: Pasta was already popular in Italy by the time Marco Polo ...
Many Iowans only know the name Marco Polo from a kids’ swimming pool game, but a guest lecturer who’ll be in central Iowa ...
Keywords Marco Polo, art class, film project, research, animation, paper mâché, Venice, China, Great Khan, journey, creativity Email us at [email protected] if you have questions about the ...