a rumbling voice called into the women’s restroom. A man’s boots stepped across the ... A “closed for cleaning” sign was braced across the door of the women’s restroom.
Republican lawmakers in Montana swiftly approved the measure despite opposition from Democrats who say it will complicate ...
HB 300, also sponsored by Seekins-Crowe, amends Montana’s code to define allowing a biological male to compete in women’s and ...
A state trans legislator says she expects courts to rule the new laws as unconstitutional.
Kerri Seekins-Crowe, the Republican sponsor, said it was not meant to be exclusionary but to preserve safe spaces for women. A transgender man who has ... use the women’s restroom.
Court records show that before the shooting, he was out on bond after being arrested twice for separate cases in March.
He strokes my face and hair ... like a full hand sliding down my face and ruining my make up,” she wrote on Mumsnet ...