In the same yard where Shiery raised Baby with Candice Jenkins, her longtime friend and housemate, officers with the Pennsylvania Game Commission took the young animal from the women, citing state law ...
Jack O'Connor explains all the times he relied on a shooting rest to help ensure he made the steadiest possible shot on big-game.
Bucks, male deer, leave their familiar groups and live independently ... Males in mating season are competitive and the ones with the largest antlers fight against other males and win. The most common ...
With a decent weather forecast for the next few days and with our statewide opening day of trout season not kicking in until ...
Diane Birdsall and Richard Hardy reported many juncos feeding on sunflower seed scattered across the snow below the feeder as ...
Searching for dropped antlers, called shed hunting, can be an extremely fun way to keep yourself outdoors. White-tailed deer begin to shed their antlers in winter, typically January through February, ...
Property owners are eligible for a Wyoming Game and Fish Department landowner license if they possess at least 160 contiguous acres that provide habitat for elk, deer, pronghorn or wild turkeys.