Strunk began as a part-time employee in 2017 but has since gone full time and been promoted. He now oversees the welders ...
A rare "dancing lemur" has been born at Chester Zoo thanks to the determined efforts of conservationists. The critically ...
A super rare baby 'dancing' lemur has been born at a British zoo to the delight of keepers. The tiny baby has arrived at ...
The species’ population is projected to decline by 80 per cent globally by 2048. Read more at
Keepers say that both mother and baby are doing very well, with keepers saying "they've been inseparable so far." ...
During the Atascadero City Council meeting on February 25, the Charles Paddock Zoo received $1 million in funding for facility improvements and $340,000 for staff additions.
SINGAPORE: Singaporeans have had a lot to say after the photo of a woman allowing a lemur to drink from her soft drink can at the Singapore Zoo went viral onlin ...
The tiny baby has arrived at Chester Zoo to parents Beatrice ... The lemur is from a species called Coquerel sifaka native to Madagascar which are known as dancing lemurs as they often are ...
The Lehigh Valley Zoo has announced plans for major renovations to the lower section of the facility. The project, named the ...
There are just nine of the dancing lemur species found in the whole of Europe - and four of them are in Chester ...