A rail authority combining four current or about-to-open commuter rail operations could be an option to help maintain service ...
The mayor is opposed to starting the build-out of a Beltline rail network with the proposed streetcar extension that would ...
Mayor Andre Dickens said Thursday he no longer wants the first phase of Beltline light rail to go alongside the Eastside ...
Mayor Andre Dickens said Thursday he no longer wants the first phase of Beltline light rail to go alongside the Eastside Trail, backing off plans he supported during his campaign.
That incarnation lasted until 1983, when Amtrak took over the operation. For a decade, Union Station hosted only Amtrak’s ...
Canberrans are encouraged to take advantage of free travel on all Transport Canberra buses and light rail for their journey to and from Lake Burley ...
Norfolk officials want Tides fans to park and take free public transit, like light rail and the ferry, to the games this ...
Canada’s Alto and the Cadence consortium sign an agreement to develop HSR (high-speed rail) between Toronto and Québec City. Also, the Canadian government advances Metrolinx’s Hazel McCallion LRT ...
The national government is too risk averse to fund trainlines. Let communities raise the money themselves.
A new map has revealed the busiest bus and tram routes in Greater Manchester - and how to get around them without waiting ...