The talented canines are performers in a comedy-filled acrobatic and stunt dog show called Mutts Gone Nuts. In their sixth show at the Norwell theater earlier this month, the dogs performed almost ...
MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Get ready to let the good times roll—on four legs! The Mystic Mutts of Revelry (MMOR) pet parade, presented by McSharry’s Irish Pub, will hit the streets of Downtown ...
A new review article unveils the world of flexible micromachined ultrasound transducers (MUTs), an emerging technology at the intersection of wearables, ultrasound, and MEMS. These cutting-edge ...
This sweet beagle mix is 12-weeks-old and is one of several puppies taken in by Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary. He would do great in a loving home with people willing to spend the time to train him ...
Veneetsia kunstibiennaal, Giardini pargi paviljonide ala. Vetsude juurest lookleb pikk järjekord, seismisest ja kunstist väsinud biennaalikülalised vahivad tüdinult ja häda kannatades ringi. Meeste ...
The Karnataka High Court has ordered a departmental inquiry against a circle inspector of police over alleged interference into a dispute between two mutts. In this case, the premises of the Sri ...
Teistest eristus Norra peaminister Jonas Gahr Støre, kelle sõnul ei saa Euroopa endale vingumise teel kohta laua taga. Sellele sekundeeris Kristen Michal. „Euroopa peab end kehtestama,“ rääkis ...
USA president Donald Trump lasi käiku terve rea Venemaa demagoogilisi argumente, süüdistades Ukraina presidenti Zelenskõid sõja esilekutsumises ning kutsus Ukrainat üles valimisi korraldama. Rainer ...
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