Alieyah Bullock hit an inside-the-park home run and ... Brook Ferlato and Hallie Kraft both had one. Lexi Hannay and Jolene Kirk each logged two goals with one assist for the Seahawks.
Oscar-winning film star Kevin Spacey came clean today about why he told police he had been mugged but then dropped the complaint. The actor said he reported "the attack" after a youth conned him ...
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver is ditching his "pukka" catchphrase because even he finds it annoying. Oliver has vowed not to use the word again because it had turned him into a bit of a joke.
Revisit moments you forgot about—memories can resurface pictures backed up on OneDrive 1 on a certain date. Clicking on memory tiles in Photos will open the experience in Microsoft Edge by default.
As the former worship leader at Hills Christian Centre, Australia, Geoff Bullock became a household name in Christian homes throughout Australasia. New Zealand Christians love to sing Geoff's songs.