A lashes queen, an accomplished operative and their ugly-but-charming lover were among the players in one of the most ...
Jan Marsalek and his lover Natalia Zlobina at the ... Russian oligarchs usually want 17 women, 45 cars, and 70 houses. Jan had the most beautiful mindset; he was just ready to make life better ...
The other was Jan Marsalek, one of the most wanted men in ... phones and extract sensitive information such as passwords, in a car parked near the base. This would allow them to trace Ukrainian ...
Orlin Roussev, from Great Yarmouth, was the "sloppiest" of the five Bulgarians involved in "spying on an almost industrial ...
“Jan Marsalek has been an individual publicly linked ... Ivanchev, who owned a Porsche Boxster sports car, was later linked to at least two of the spy operations and was arrested a year later.