Recombinant human prourokinase is noninferior to alteplase in acute ischemic stroke, with symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage and major bleeding decreased.
(HealthDay News) — Self-perceived stress is associated with cryptogenic ischemic stroke (CIS), according to a study published online March 5 in Neurology.
Gastrointestinal complications are common in patients after ischemic stroke. Gastric motility is regulated by gastric pace-making activity (also called gastric myoelectrical activity (GMA)) and ...
In a preclinical study, rodents treated with uric acid showed improved long-term outcomes after acute ischemic stroke. The ...
In a preclinical study, rodents treated with uric acid showed improved long-term outcomes after acute ischemic stroke. The findings suggest that the treatment may work as an add-on therapy to standard ...
Blood types refer to a classification of blood based on substances present on your red blood cells. The four basic blood ...
Blogging Stroke highlights high-impact studies published in the journal Stroke. In addition to article summaries, Blogging Stroke includes interviews with authors of recently published Stroke articles ...
We evaluated functional and safety outcomes in studies reporting large core stroke patients treated with EVT and compared them with patients treated with medical management (MM) only. Methods A ...
PAPUA New Guinea’s oldest daily newspaper, the Post-Courier, has been referred to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee by Speaker Job Pomat following concerns over its front-page headline and online ...
Resource owners in the Taonita-Teop region of North Bougainville have signed a landmark Land Access Compensation Agreement (LACA) with Bougainville Minerals Investment Pty Ltd (BMI), paving the way ...