Mukhatzhanova highlighted that strengthening the international system is essential now more than ever. Kazakhstan and ...
The following items are based on information provided by officials in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Any ...
Two men have been arrested and one is in hospital with serious injuries after a disturbance involving about 30 people with ...
Back in March 2024, ahead of an 'I Quit' match against Christian Cage on AEW Dynamite, Cope (then known as Adam Copeland) ...
During a session in New York on Wednesday, Omar Hilale, Morocco’s Permanent Representative to the UN, emphasized the urgent ...
Few statements capture the transformative power of education as succinctly as this one. Across history, nations that have ...
A weapon is defined by the bill as “any firearm, explosive as defined in statute, or any instrument of the kind usually known as slungshot, sand club, metal knuckles, or any knife, dagger ...
Firearms and other weapons would be banned in more public spaces, including parks, government buildings and county fairgrounds when the fair is open to the public, under a bill passed by mos ...
You see, the long-running series has a fantastic armory totaling 14 unique kinds of weapons. There are multiple kinds of blades, blunt instruments, and even guns to pick from, and I firmly believe ...
Retailers are also required to keep the instruments out of reach of the general public and ... it is going further than the ...
I know, I know, foreign military bases are spreading like a disease, and governments are openly mocking the rule of law. But ...