A new book explores the myth that getting eight hours of shut-eye is how we should be sleeping. Its author, Dr Merijn van de Laar, tells long-term insomniac Zoë Beaty why unlocking how our ancestors s ...
We spend more time in bed than ever before – so why don't we feel like it? A new study reveals why we're always so tired.
The film about Tanzania's Hadzabe people fighting to preserve their language has won praise at the Geneva Film Festival and ...
members of the Hadza tribe in Tanzania, who still hunt and gather their food. Pontzer found that despite how active the Hadza are, they burn the same amount of calories as more sedentary people in ...
Pontzer is an evolutionary anthropologist at Duke University and, for about 15 years, has been measuring metabolisms of all kinds of people: ultra-athletes, office workers, members of the Hadza tribe ...
But the Hadza tribe of Tanzania are known for their ability to run ultra-distances - sometimes up to 40km a day while looking for food. This new study found they only slept for 6.22 hours a night.