T he Gurung people have been conducting honey hunt rituals in the Himalayan cliffs of Nepal for a very long time. The cultural practice has been transferred from one generation to another making ...
For the second year in a row, a small group of Nepalese guides are using their off time to target unclimbed peaks in their ...
Darjeeling police arrested Prakash Gurung, a former Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) member and a current leader ...
A charge-sheet filed in the case in January 2018 had named 27 people, including Gurung and Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) ...
Mr Gurung says the news of Queen Elizabeth’s death came as a shock. “I am also very shocked to hear this loss of our Queen, just like any other [people]. But all I would like to say though is ...