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As a volunteer cave digger, Takamatsu Gushiken has unearthed the remains of several hundred people. Excavation is not his ...
The descendants of fishermen and farmers evacuated from Iwo Jima shortly before it became the site of a key battle during World War II have stepped ... to live on the island.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – The remains of a World War II airman from Staten Island who was identified after 80 years of being unaccounted for will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia ...
Two Long Island historical memorabilia collectors say they will turn over 41 flags carried by Japanese servicemen in World War II — the only trace of some soldiers whose bodies were never ...
US Air Force and Navy restore historic WWII-era airfield on Tinian in the Pacific. The airfield was a key launching point for ...
Eleven explosive ordnance disposal divers from the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force’s Sub Area Activity Okinawa unit set off ...
Marine amphibious tractors burn after being hit by Japanese mortar shells during the Battle of Iwo Jima in 1945. (U.S. Marine ...
Eighty years ago, during World War II, the United States operated full-scale military operations worldwide while planning how ...
Residents of the Japanese island see U.S. bases as a legacy of ... when the United States seized Okinawa from Japan after the end of World War II. But she knew the dead girl, who was a customer ...