Introduction of an easy and modern process for blood donations and donor registration. Awareness camps about donor registration will be set up at universities and colleges. PSCA Virtual Blood Bank ...
Businessman James Stalker, who was known as Geoff, learned he had Hepatitis C three years after a blood transfusion at the ...
The blood center at 349 South Main Street in Dayton is open for appointments Monday through Saturday, Versiti says.
The recent winter storms and bitter cold have the nation’s blood supply, once again, at critically low levels.
Nonprofits like the Red Cross and Bloodworks Northwest said they need blood donors, as recent fires and severe storms have affected some blood drives and donations.
The king cakes will be available in-center only at all LifeShare donor centers on Thursday, February 6, and Friday, February 7. The centers will have extended hours during the promotion period to ...
The American Red Cross encourages donors to give blood or platelets now to help protect the blood supply from the ongoing impact of severe winter ...
LifeShare Blood Center is kicking off the Mardi Gras season by encouraging you to join the Krewe of Life and give life to the fullest! Donate at ...
The New York Blood Center says there were 6,500 fewer donations over the holiday season, severely impacting New York's blood supply. That's a 30% drop in overall donations.
The OLOL Blood Donor Center in Baton Rouge is asking for donations after being closed three days due to the severe winter weather. The center is especially in need of donations of platelets and ...
Texans who are eligible to donate blood are being called upon by the Red Cross. Not only are we at critical levels for certain blood types here locally, but as the manager of 40 percent of blood ...
Winter storms, California wildfires generate significant blood drive cancellations; thousands of blood products uncollected ...