Butterfly Pavilion’s new exhibit highlights the cultural connections between humans and their invertebrate neighbors.
West Africa that once sheltered the Simandoa cave roach (Simandoa conserfariam) was destroyed a bit more than a decade ago in a bauxite mining operation. With it went the cave roach, which is now ...
Cappadocia region is famous for luxury cave hotels, which have become the ... regarding controversial call in Tank Davis vs. Lamont Roach fight 'Star Trek: Khan' Just Recast The Franchise's ...
From Lud's Church and the Roaches to the Nine Ladies Stone Circle, here are some of the most mystical areas in the Peak District according to ...
The Witcher 3 is able to immerse you in that very special mood that is familiar to fans of The Elder Scrolls and Gothic.
The venomous centipede crawled into the Movile Cave millions of years ago and adapted to live in the pitch black, surrounded ...
Why it's awesome: This deadly, yellow centipede has evolved to live in the Movile Cave — a pitch black, sulfurous underground system untouched by sunlight for more than 5 million years.