As the German right ascends, the nation is still grappling with its fascist past — and how to handle its remains.
Dutchman Michael Schuling has spent years digging into his family's Nazi past, ever since discovering a 1940 photo of his ...
Van Gogh’s influence permeates Kiefer’s career, and is most evident in this colossal painting, stretching nearly 28 feet long ...
Kati Preston, a survivor of the Holocaust, author and prolific speaker, will give a presentation on her life and advocacy ...
On March 23, the Reichstag delegates met across the street from the burned ruins of the Reichstag in the Kroll Opera House.
The March 1945 crossings, by Patton and Montgomery's forces, gave the Allies beachheads with which to invade Germany.
Thousands of individuals—many of whom wore far-right insignia and Nazi uniforms—participated in ... date is important because our Hungarian and German comrades defended Europe from communism ...
The affinities between the German master of spectacle and his Dutch artistic forebear are underlined in an Amsterdam show ...
Few newsrooms have the courage to hire another Edward R. Murrow, who championed truth over lies when he challenged the ...
Many of the S.S. men were without uniforms, but they were sent out on ... Major Hans Klausner, German Nazi agent in Austria, broadcast a Nazi a speech in Seyss-Inquart's behalf, saying: "Austria ...