Powered by geothermal, the retail and restaurant complex will have factory-style windows framed in green tile and vegetation.
Energy-efficiency and clean energy projects like insulation, solar, and heat pumps can bring you thousands in federal and ...
The gas company is hiring a contractor to study the feasibility of a geothermal system to heat and cool a public school and a rec center.
The annual Fox Cities House & Outdoor Living Show is scheduled to run March 28 to 30 at the Fox Cities Exhibition Center in ...
GreenTech Park is the development corporation’s new name for the entire site, and the goal is to attract a variety of ...
The amount you can deduct depends on whether the project impacts the entire home or just the office. Home office improvements, however, are not tax deductible as they are classified similarly to ...
cost-efficient heating and cooling. Two rounds of tests funded by the nonprofit Home Energy Efficiency Team showed geothermal could work, said Brien. How to pay for it is the next step ...
"We're starting to see some new momentum with this bill," Shannon Laun, the Conservation Law Foundation's vice president for ...
Placemaking acumen and sustainability building practices lands the developer the ENR New York's Owner of the Year award.