The Reclamation Act of 1902 specified growers had to repay “construction costs.” The act originally called for repayment in ...
If you have traveled the world like I have, duty-free shops are in airports, bus terminals, train stations. Whoever crosses ...
Stunt? There are so many definitions. I think this is the one Rep. Ashley Hinson is referring to when she called the upcoming Indivisible Dubuque town hall a “stunt”: “An ...
First convicted felon voted to the office of POTUS. First convicted felon to pardon over 1,000 fellow convicted felons. Trump called them “hostages.” They were thugs, plain and simple, who tried to ...
Hazouri is a retired Palm Beach County and appellate judge and recipient of the Anti-Defamation League Jurisprudence Award.
This DIY alphabet book is the perfect preschool letter activity for toddlers and young learners! Last year, I worked with two ...
The 300-year-old doctrine is being tested by the excesses of digital oligarchs, says historian Fara Dabhoiwala ...
Michael Matheson’s sudden anouncement he will step down at the next Holyrood election has a reader scratching his head ...
No one will help dog ...
The Daily Gate mobile app brings you the latest local breaking news, updates, and more. Read the Daily Gate on your mobile ...