Modos assisterande tränare Fredrik Andersson syntes till några minuter efter slutsignal, men Anton Blomqvist dök aldrig upp. Efter en kvart ställdes presskonferensen in. – Jag vet inte vad det är för ...
MoDoModo Hockeys styrelse och ledning släppte ett tydligt uttalande på sin hemsida efter det förlorade kvalet mot HV71. MoDoMoDo-redaktionen diskuterar varför man leder matchserien med 2-0 ...
On March 7, 2025, residents in states across the U.S. will be gathering and protesting as a part of Stand Up for Science rallies. Stand Up for Science is an organization working to defend science ...
Catch up on Million Dollar Listing New York on Peacock or Bravo. “OUT OF OFFICE for Spring Break with the kids…” he captioned a snap of him and his 7-year-old girl. Fredrik went on to ...
Fredrik Andersson kommer närmast från Vålerengen i norska ligan där han fick sparken den 24 februari. Nu återvänder 57-åringen till Modo där han tidigare varit målvakt, tränare och ...
Ebba Andersson har vunnit dubbla VM-guld. Men nu kommer en högst oväntad sågning. TV-profilen Fredrik Wikingsson ger sig nu på svenska VM-guldhjälten. Snacka om storsuccé för Ebba Andersson ...
What's I How What Thank you for marching today. Hundreds of protestors gathered in Boston Common for the Boston Stand Up for Science rally on Friday.Stand Up for Science is a grassroots operation ...
MANILA, Philippines — Three individuals are possibly involved in the killing of a stand-up comedian in Pampanga province, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Tuesday. Stand-up comedian ...
Quoting musician Bob Marley, Rush Holt Jr, former chief executive of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, told the crowd in Trenton, New Jersey, “get up, stand up”.
The “Stand Up for Science” rally, led by a small team of scientists, comes amid historic cuts to publicly funded research and firings at science agencies across the federal government.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On a sunny afternoon steps from the Lincoln Memorial, crowds of protesters gathered to stand up for science. Wispy clouds streaked across blue skies as people chanted ...
The protest was one of at least 30 “Stand Up for Science” rallies in cities across the US; more than 150 events were expected worldwide. Researchers also walked out of laboratories as part of ...