Companies spend millions developing logos to represent a brand. Some of them have hidden meanings steeped in the history and ...
Smoke brought firefighters to Timmer’s meat market, 135 Washington St., in Manistee. They arrived and found smoke pouring ...
Scam artists will go to great lengths to find ways to make money off of their victims. What would you do if you found out ...
Who is the Dark Wizard in The Rings of Power? His true identity was left a mystery, but here are some guesses for which Lord ...
For visitors from further afield, combining a stop at The Jolly Oyster with exploration of Ventura’s charming downtown or a ...
In a world of flashy food trends and Instagram-worthy restaurants, there exists a humble blue shack on the edge of Ventura’s San Buenaventura State Beach that has seafood lovers making pilgrimages ...
Included in the exhibit is the elusive Winston Red Diamond, a 2.33-carat fancy color diamond. Farfan explained that the pure red diamond is so rare that for every 25 million diamonds found ...
Yes,even cookie dough whiskey. The taste of Red Bull is to "energy drink" as Kleenex is to "tissue." If you're thinking of a carbonated, slim-can coffee substitute, you're probably picturing the ...
The Winston Red Diamond will be unveiled April 1, along with the Winston Fancy Color Diamond Collection. The diamonds have been donated by Ronald Winston, son of well-known jeweler and gem ...
This week's full moon will come with a special treat – a total lunar eclipse, which will turn the moon a spooky blood red color. While the eclipse will last from 1:47 a.m. EDT to 4:10 a.m. EDT ...
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The default color had been a very calming aqua blue. The default color is now red, white and blue. Living in a location that looks out at the bridge, I enjoyed the occasional color variations ...