Z-A made a surprise appearance at the final Nintendo Switch 1 Direct to show off more features. However, while that was ...
A talented Pokemon fan artist creates a new Mega Evolution for Gastrodon, a Water/Ground-type creature from the fourth ...
According to the leaked list of Mega Evolutions coming in Pokemon Legends: Z-A, one side of a Pokemon duo might finally get ...
How to catch Sizzlipede and evolve it into Cenitskorch in Pokémon Go, including the Sizzlipede counters, weaknesses and best ...
A Pokemon fan artist draws inspiration from some recent Legends: Z-A leaks and designs some Mega Evolution forms based on ...
Another set of Pokémon leaks may have been dumped online, leading to many of the new Mega Evolutions allegedly included in ...
Catch Multiple Wurmple: Begin by capturing several Wurmple. These Bug-type Pokémon are commonly found in grassy areas, ...
Pokemon Legends: Z-A is finally bringing the fan-favorite Mega Evolution mechanic back after it was originally left behind on ...
In a post on X/Twitter about Mega Evolutions in Pokemon Legends: Z-A, Pyoro told people to “look at the key at the upper left ...
Pokemon Legends Z-A leaks are coming thick and fast, with multiple leakers claiming to have uncovered every new Mega Evolution.
The next installment in the Pokémon franchise is set to bring back Mega Evolutions, including new Mega Evolution forms.
The first line of Pokémon TCG Pocket merch has appeared in Japan, and it brings some of the game’s coolest cards to life for the first time.