Fake it till you make it' might be common advice to climb the corporate ladder, but new research shows that this attitude could also adversely affect job satisfaction and mental health.
Today, many mothers are still making very difficult decisions daily while putting their own happiness on hold to remain in ...
Explore the consequences of the fake it till you make it mindset at work and its impact on job satisfaction and well-being.
Starbucks has issued a diktat aimed at getting cafe employees to spread happiness. Other service sector companies have had ...
"Bride wants to use bridesmaid honors as bait to cement more advantageous or recent friendships. Often it seems to come down ...
Emotional labor refers to the effort and control it takes to display the organizationally appropriate sentiment—whether that’s cheerfulness, compassion, discipline, or neutrality—when ...
In a memo he sent out in January detailing the plan, he had some ideas for those not sure what to say. They could scribble an affirmation (“you’re amazing”), share well wishes (“seize the day”) or ...
LET’S be honest about a double standard that’s existed since biblical times.  A good wife is a faithful wife—that’s what ...
To be clear, I am talking specifically about heterosexual women in relationships with men, not because sexual minorities ...