The Gospel of Luke ends with a masterpiece, a literary and theological fireworks display, the story of the travelers to Emmaus. The risen Jesus appears to two disciples and tells them in detail ...
Reflection: The Emmaus road is the story of the Christian life. These disciples were walking away from Jerusalem and the apostolic faith community in defeat and dejection. They had lost hope.
He alone tells us the stories of Mary and Martha (10:38-42) and of the disciples on the road to Emmaus (24:13-35). He also is the only one who gives us songs that are still used in the Church's ...
Sr. Becquart compared the synodal process to the journey on the Road to Emmaus, a reference to a passage in the Gospel of Luke where the risen Jesus walks alongside his disciples. She said this synod ...
But there are also clear Biblical examples when God has blessed deception: Rahab, the midwives, Jesus when he was walking on the water "appeared" to walk past the boat (Mark 6 verse 48), or Jesus ...