Leading climate scientists said they watched with surprise as “extraordinary” global temperatures broke record after record ...
The preacher’s voice echoed through a Pentecostal church in Harare’s central business district, his tone heavy with ...
Dr Paul Read, director of the Future Emergency Resilience Network at UTS, said the world needs to brace for a "1.5 world," ...
The World Meteorological Organization's report said long-term global warming is currently estimated to be between 1.34 and ...
La Nina conditions are weakening and a shift to an El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral weather pattern is expected to ...
THE 1997 climate-induced drought was one of the strongest and worst scenarios in the memory of Papua New Guinea.
This is partly because warmer air can hold more moisture, but also because there is more energy in the system, and stronger ...
While thunderstorms are common, particularly in the summer, Disney World is no stranger to more extreme weather events, ...
Winds of 30 km/h gusting up to 50 km/h are expected to follow the storm, with an unstable airmass following the weak ...
The Researcher Development and Culture team in the Academy have released the full programme for the first annual Research ...