The FDCPA establishes clear timelines that must be followed when you dispute a debt with a debt collector. According to ...
Unpaid debts and accounts in collections will stay on your credit report for seven years. Removing old debt from your credit ...
Once you receive a debt validation letter, you have 30 days to dispute the debt. If you receive a call from a debt collector demanding that you repay an amount they say you owe, don't withdraw a ...
The board of directors of the Norman Regional will hold a meeting Monday to review the system's financial status and evaluate ...
Bad credit can hold you back financially. While it might be more challenging to find an auto loan, it's still possible to get ...
If the Board of Education does not provide a $175 million pension reimbursement to the city, City Hall will have to ...
While members of the Group claim to be transparent with stockholders, they are spreading false and misleading information about Ionic's business and Ms. LaPuma to mask their true intentions, which are ...
They have to get [the deal] approved,' said Mario Gabelli, a longtime Paramount shareholder. Gabelli and others are eager for ...
While you can dispute items on your credit reports yourself ... Full service and premium plans add creditor interventions, cease and desist letters, debt validation letters, credit-building ...
WEISSMANN: Normally, you file a complaint with the CFPB - the company responds to you within 15 days, according to the agency's website. Lara says, companies pay attention because the CFPB has a big ...