For every struggle an employee faces, there are countless companies offering solutions. There have never been more services and apps to help workers be more productive and level up in their ...
Imagine 50 years from now a Public Intelligence that was a distributed, open-source, non-commercial artificial intelligence, operated like the internet, and available to the whole world. This public ...
Workplace collaboration is changing at an unprecedented rate. Traditional methods of communication, such as emails and video calls, are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of modern businesses.
In today’s digital economy, data is the most valuable asset – it’s often referred to as “ the new oil ”. Whether in commerce, ...
"Mass collection of sensitive data by government and social services has emboldened the growing surveillance state, creating ...
If customers know their rights and know that their data is protected, they’re more likely to trust businesses with their data ...
Seismic readings of the interior of Mars strongly suggest large quantities of water buried 6 to 12 miles underground.
Scientists are confident Mars was once abundant with water, as seen in massive flood-carved channels, ancient river valleys, ...
The rapid advancement of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has transformed various sectors, including healthcare, finance, ...
Many enterprises are struggling with data silos, regulatory complexities and the rapid evolution of AI and analytics.
Courtland Cuevas] 2024 marked another significant year for privacy law, with new state legislation and high-stakes litigation ...