Capsule robot toolkit. Source: Vanderbilt Univ. To accelerate development of capsule-sized endorobots, a team at Vanderbilt University has developed an open-source platform for capsule robots.
I recently finished the Silo series by Hugh Howey, a self-published collection of novellas that details life in a near-future, post-apocalyptic world where all that remains of humanity has been ...
SpaceX successfully delivered four astronauts to the International Space Station on Saturday. That is some positive press for ...
Soft robots could be made from biocompatible and biodegradable materials—and, he says, might even be formed into capsules to be swallowed for more effective and less invasive endoscopies.
Figure founder and CEO Brett Adcock Thursday revealed a new machine learning model for humanoid robots. The news, which arrives two weeks after Adcock announced the Bay Area robotics firm’s ...
On Wednesday, Clone Robotics released video footage of its Protoclone humanoid robot, a full-body machine that uses synthetic muscles to create unsettlingly human-like movements. In the video ...