The student loan forgiveness program is for full-time teachers of color in Providence, and is funded through a grant from a ...
Numbers can help tell a story, and that also applies with the North Carolina Azalea Festival. But what do they say? Let's ...
The Odessa American is the leading source of local news, information, entertainment and sports for the Permian Basin.
Milwaukee Public Schools' school board has nine seats. Four of them are on the ballot in the April 1 election.
The analysis found that two-thirds of the students affected by the L.A. fires are Latino, many of whom are learning English ...
Senate has passed a bill that would give parents more power over which books their children can read in public school ...
Why Kendra? Why any of our students? The gravity of the text and its impact on Kendra brought tears to my eyes. I met with ...
Welcome to Year 9 of High School Confidential, powered by Danville Area Community College. It's an award-winning project made possible by aspiring student journalists from every corner of our ...
The Association of School and College Leaders has called for the implementation of any new inspection reforms to be delayed until September 2026.
In the final days of Georgia’s 2025 legislative session, Senate Republicans passed a ban on DEI policies in schools.
Since voters can’t wash a president’s or member of Congress’s mouth out with soap, the question becomes whether this salty ...
Education and health experts warn that the Trump administration’s crackdown on DEI programs, ultimately, could harm patient ...