In Central Appalachia, an estimated one in five tenured coal miners has black lung disease. The condition reduces life expectancy by an average of 12 years and makes it a “struggle to get ...
Carbon County has a long history in coal mining. For hundreds of years, the region, which is known as the Coal Region, has been a large source of anthracite coal to heat homes, power operations and ...
it is most difficult to establish their relationship to the general increase of lung cancer. Coal consumption has not increased in the United States over a period of many years; therefore coal ...
Coal mines were dangerous for all workers ... For those who survived those hazards, long-term exposure to poor air caused chronic lung diseases such as black lung. For convict laborers, conditions ...
As funding cuts continue to have an impact across the country, Anita Wolfe, who’s retired from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Morgantown location, sat down ...
Rate of black lung disease among miners may be 10 times higher than reported Lung disease is a well-known deadly consequence of working in the coal industry. But a new NPR study finds miners are ...