Learn how the Doomsday Clock serves as a potential indicator for health crises, including substance use disorders and ...
The question naturally arises, then, whether a Bonferroni adjustment is ever appropriate. Costs and benefits help determine the best correction method Like choosing a significance threshold ...
There was a significant increase in synonymous substitution frequencies at unpaired positions for C→U, G→U, C→A, and U→C, but not for A→G or G→A (p<0.05; Tukey’s range test with Bonferroni correction; ...
With respect to overall PEP, prespecified subgroup analyses revealed no significant differences for comparisons of the treatment of diclofenac and indomethacin across major subgroups after Bonferroni ...
This pathway was derived from KEGG database. TABLE 3. Shows whether each of the altered metabolites exhibited significant difference between P and C after running the Correction tests: Bonferroni ...
All the diffusivity values and ALPS index were compared between OSA and control subjects using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA; SPSS software; covariates, age and sex) and corrected for multiple ...
The Bonferroni correction was used for dealing with multiple testing. Multiple regression analysis was performed to adjust the variables statistically significant. The graphs presented were made in ...
Our ability to provide a voice for scientists and engineers and to advance science depends on the support from individuals like you. Whether you’re a scientist, engineer, teacher, or science advocate, ...
The state is turning the legal screws on striking correction officers, as tensions flare inside out-of-control New York prisons and workers picket outside them. State troopers began serving union ...
Source: LSEG Data &Analytics By The New York Times By Joe Rennison and Danielle Kaye Graphics by Karl Russell The world’s most widely followed stock-market benchmark slid into a correction on ...