Boeing has produced four generations of its popular narrowbody family: the 737 Original (737-100 and 737-200), the 737 ...
Boeing is seeking to withdraw an earlier agreement to plead guilty in a long-running criminal case that blamed the company ...
The Venezuelan charter airline Venezolana currently has the oldest commercially operational passenger 737-200.
Smaller jets can be cozier and boast competitive fares due to the cheaper costs, and their fewer passengers mean faster ...
Malaysia Airlines' parent company announced Friday it will buy 30 Boeing 737 MAX planes as it seeks to modernise its fleet a ...
U.S. President Donald Trump awarded Boeing on Friday the contract to build the U.S. air force's most sophisticated fighter ...
Shares of Boeing rose nearly 5% after the U.S. company beat out Lockheed Martin LMT.N for the deal. Lockheed's shares fell ...
Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG), the parent company of Malaysia Airlines, announced on Friday (March 21) its decision to purchas ...
The Air Force is yet to decide which aircraft type will form the core of its future executive transport fleet, but still ...