“Rather, 1791 and 1868 are both fertile ground ... without due process of law.” Before then, the Bill of Rights and its manifold protections only protected Americans from the actions of ...
Learn about the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, covering free speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition rights.
Fifty-five years ago, fresh-faced college freshmen like me arrived on Miami of Ohio’s campus just months after that spring’s ...
It is extremely difficult to change the U.S. Constitution. It is not simply waving a pen or a magic wand. The Constitution itself, in Article V, defines the process. For a proposal to become an ...
John Adams signed the Sedition Act in an attempt to silence dissent. Some other Founding Fathers thought that muzzling the ...
In these turbulent and sad times, it is hard to keep quiet about abuses and violations of human rights taking place around ...
In these turbulent and sad times, it is hard to keep quiet about abuses and violations of human rights taking place around the world; in eastern DR Congo, South Sudan, Ukraine, and Gaza. Among the ...
Yes, it’s true I hijacked Tom Duggan’s column this month and the piece that he had originally written will have to be posted ...