Elaine Pagels remains fascinated by the mysteries of Jesus after decades of study. In her latest book, she revels in the ...
Julie Faith Parker is a Hebrew scholar who teaches biblical studies at General Theological Seminary in New York, and Eve ...
Actor Jonathan Roumie told UPI he hopes audience members incorporate watching the Season 5 Holy Week episodes of "The Chosen" ...
I am still searching for a few honest men and women, and some good news. Both are hard to find these days. America and the ...
In Christian nationalism push, Republican Delegate Henry Dillon wants to amend the state constitution to include the Bible as core text.
I had always believed, and perhaps thought I had known, that from time immemorial, faith in God was the foundation upon which ...
Trump and his people target those that the Bible is most concerned about: children, the poor, immigrants, the sick and ...
We’re not just in a health crisis, but we’re in a spiritual crisis," Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared in an interview with ...
Glen Keane might be a Disney legend, but did you know he almost quit animating to join a seminary?  â€œI was accepted into the ...
By Ebenezer ASUMANG\xa0“Until Creation Care becomes a lifestyle, environmental campaigns and clean up exercises cannot save ...
On Tuesday, March 25, viral Christian figure Bryce Crawford amassed a crowd of Auburn residents and students for a ...
Send your faith note item to [email protected] for publication. Submission deadline for the current week of publication is 9 a.m. Friday. Times and dates are subject to change; contact t ...