Little cottages and beach houses nestle among shore pines that grow at crazy angles from years of ocean winds. Some of the ...
Yachats (pronounced YAH-hots) might be the most dramatic meeting of land and sea in Oregon. This tiny coastal town sits where the forest-covered mountains literally crash into the ocean. The result is ...
The Atlantic Beach Council voted unanimously to pay a local contractor $97,000 to bulldoze sand away from the seawall and ...
Brits heading to the La Pelosa beach in Sardinia this summer will be left surprised by one rule that's in place when they ...
Local police and other officials have asked lawmakers to help them combat pop-up parties that often devolve into chaos.
Living in the Hamptons is far from cheap — and now, in Montauk, a glam 1,200-square-foot trailer has listed for $1.19 million ...
The Trump administration's targeting of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will jeopardize efforts to save ...
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