An Islamic Shariah court in Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province has sentenced two men to public caning for having gay sex.
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AP) — Two men in Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province were publicly caned Thursday after an Islamic Shariah court convicted them for having sex with each other.
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - Two young Indonesian men convicted of having a same-sex relationship were publicly caned on Thursday in Aceh province, prompting calls by Amnesty International ...
Dozens of people witnessed the caning at a hall in Banda Aceh’s Bustanussalatin city park. It’s the fourth time that Aceh, the only province in Indonesia to practice Shariah law, has caned ...
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AP) — An Islamic Shariah court in Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province on Monday sentenced two men to public caning for having gay sex. Israeli strikes across Gaza hit ...
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia — Two men in Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province were publicly caned Thursday after an Islamic Shariah court convicted them for having sex with each other. Dozens of ...