Three-dimensional reconstruction of an ensemble astrocyte tagged with AstroLight, in yellow, and a non-ensemble astrocyte, in red. Credit: Serra et al. "We adapted a tool originally designed for ...
A receptor that cannabis latches onto in the brain could be a promising target for future mental health treatments.
Erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular (Eph) receptors, including EphA4, are expressed on the cell surface and involved in brain development, which involves extensive pruning of synapses. A variant ...
Une équipe de recherche a identifié des sous-types d'astrocytes dans la matière blanche du cerveau de souris, dont un ...
Their findings, published in Nature Neuroscience, unveiled the existence of astrocytic ensembles, specialized astrocyte subsets that appear to be active during reward-driven behaviors.
Researchers have created a four-dimensional brain map that reveals how MS-like lesions form, providing new insights into the earliest stages of the disease.
Magdalena Götz from Helmholtz Munich, LMU and the Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy), has identified different subtypes of white matter (WM) astrocytes, including a unique type with the ...
Vitamin B12 levels within the normal range may still affect brain function, raising questions about current nutritional guidelines.