When a vast library of texts amassed by Mesopotamian King Ashurbanipal was burned to the ground about 2700 years ago, the ...
Public ceremonies, lavish processions, and temporary wooden arches were commonplace after victory in Ancient Rome. But during ...
Israel and Amalek are polar opposites. The concepts of Israel and Amalek, at any rate. Not all Jews live up to the concept of Israel, and not all Amalekites (at least in principle) are exemplars of ...
According to the Bible, ancient Israel was, in whole or part, ruled by kings for less than five hundred years. David is ...
In Assyrian culture, the lion was a symbol of royalty ... granting them immense strength and stealth in battle. Norse Goddess Freyja’s chariot being pulled by cats. Image by patrimonio via ...
Philadelphia, Pa -- The Penn Museum's latest exhibit, Preserving Assyria explores the preservation of cultural heritage in post-conflict Iraq and showcases the rise of the New Assyrian Empire.
The setting was war-torn northeast Syria. Within the territory controlled by Kurdish fighters was a string of Assyrian Christian farming villages along the Khabur River. These Assyrians had ...
(ACOR) Amman -- Petra's architecture had been under the strong Greco-Roman influence, but other styles were also seen, originating from Assyria. In 1862, the architect Jakob Ignaz Hittorffdrew ...