The plan has helped local fisheries up their annual catch total to 8,000 tons. Dwindling body of water makes stunning comeback: 'The result of two years of systematic work' first appeared on The Cool ...
For 162 million years, sturgeons have fended off everything they’ve faced. Now scientists are racing to save these living ...
Brutal Soviet-era farming practices severely damaged the Aral Sea's delicate ecosystem ... disappearance of many of the more ...
The Aral Sea straddles Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan ... Today the salinity exceeds 110 grams per liter, making it deadly to every species of fish. Near the shoreline the muddy sand is wet, like ...
The species subject to capture include the Caspian seal, Aral Sea shovelnose ... The water level of the Caspian Sea continues to drop, leading to a steady decrease in fish stocks.