And to do that, we need to understand the role of South American militaries. Per Article I of the Antarctic Treaty signed in 1959, Antarctica is a demilitarized region. However, the same article also ...
Political tensions are also stepping on Canada's ambition within the Antarctic Treaty system. It signed on to the treaty in 1988, but it wants to elevate its power to be a voting member ...
Antarctica is like no place on Earth. The "White Continent" has lured explorers and scientists to its stunning, ice-encrusted ...
Antarctica is Earth's only uninhabited continent, home to the South Pole, and subject to a delicate balance of cooperation ...
Arabian Post - Antarctica, a vast expanse of ice and mystery, has long been governed by the Antarctic Treaty System , a framework established i ...
All States with either scientific or commercial activities and concerns in Antarctica are parties to the Antarctic Treaty and related instruments. And any State that wishes to sign the Treaty can ...
The deadly H5N1 strain is spreading rapidly in the Antarctic, potentially threatening the world’s largest breeding population ...
[2] 18 countries have officially ratified the Global Ocean Treaty (signed it into law): Palau ... and Slovenia have ratified but not deposited it at the UN yet. [3] Only the Antarctic Ocean Commission ...
The Antarctic Treaty has been signed by over 50 nations to date and covers the area south of 60°S latitude. The Treaty has ensured that Antarctica remains a natural reserve, devoted to peace and ...