Rare evidence about the lives of an ancient group of arthropods has been uncovered in the U.S. The findings of the study are ...
Some animals have jaws so powerful they can break bones, crack shells, or even split steel. These beasts use their crushing force to hunt, defend, and survive in the wild. Curious to see which ...
Without being able to get into the heads of animals, it’s hard to say for sure. But instances of pig painters, whale crooners ...
It’s hard to imagine that some creatures on Earth have survived for millions of years. While many species have come and gone, ...
And though their nesting grounds are protected and many commercial fishing fleets now use turtle excluder devices in their nets, these turtles have not ... out of their shells using their caruncle ...
Innovative eDNA technology is quickly becoming a valuable tool for scientists around the globe working to uncover rare ...
Of the 8.7 million species on Earth, why are human beings the only one that paints self-portraits, walks on the moon and ...
The pharmacologist William D H Carey demonstrated the importance of animal testing in a letter to the British Medical Journal: We have 4 possible new drugs to cure HIV. Drug A killed all the rats ...
while cats can form friendships with other animals, they aren't crucial to their health and happiness. Your cat's closest relationship is the one it has with you. Ensuring they have lots of ...