Last year, tribal nations in Oregon and California won a decades-long fight for the largest dam removal in U.S. history. This ...
By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site ...
At each moment of each day, the Amazon breathes, dances, and sings with an endless variety of plants and animals, many of ...
By A colonial-era myth about endangered pink river dolphins in the Amazon has led to a false belief that ...
To strengthen sustainable inland fisheries through integrated water resource management (IWRM), the Second Global Workshop on ...
Earlier this week, researchers tackled the spread of an invasive alien in the Crocodile River - an aquatic plant known as the water spangle - by introducing a weevil species that feeds on it.
Researchers examining the Amazon Basin discovered ancient river sediments beneath the Andes ... boosting local agriculture, ...
It is planned near the mouth of the Madeira River, which flows into the Amazon River. The build-out will include ... Another leader, Marcelo Lopes, a father of nine, says that the crops and fishing ...
Ninety-five percent of deforestation in the Amazon has occurred within 3.4 miles of a road, according to a landmark 2014 study. Not only does an intact forest maintain people's traditional way of life ...
The stakes are high, and conflict is escalating. The tussles are over rare metals, ores, timber, space – and the right to be left alone.
Normally, this river is a tiny upper tributary of the Amazon Basin, a lazy artery running through ... There’s a deep comfort in knowing there are fish between the river’s ancient rocks.